Executive Summary

Mali is located close to Copiapo city with easy access by paved road. The project is adjacent to the recently discovered Cu-Au/skarn porphyry, Atlantida, and 15 km to the south of the Inca de Oro Porphyry. Mali is hosted over the extension of the Paleocene belt, a place of highly productive copper and gold mines in northern Chile.

Key points

  • 80 km with good access roads from Copiapó city.
  • Mining property. 2000 ha, 100% MASGLAS.
  • Exploration stage. Mapping, sampling, geophysics and drilling.
  • Exploration potential. Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au, Skarn and Epithermal LS.


Mali is located in the Atacama Region in northern Chile, almost 55 kilometers to the northeast from Copiapó city.

Mali, Poseidon and Platon are located 20 kilometers to the south of the Inca de Oro project.  Considering the recent Atlantida discovery by Minera Inmet Chile, MASGLAS is very encouraged about this cluster of exploration projects.

The Mali project is located in the transition from Atacama Fault System to West and Domeyko Fault System to East.  Mineralization events from Cretaceous and Paleocene ages offer a wide variety of deposit types like porphyry, IOCG, Skarn and Cu-Au veins. (See Figure 1)

Main deposits close to the Mali project are the Inca de Oro porphyry (Codelco, 7.670 Mt @ 0.36% Cu, 0.10 g/t Au, 0.010% Mo) and the Atlántida Project (FQM Porphyry/Skarn discovery).  Also several old mining districts remain unexplored like the Dinamarquesa, Porteña, Tres puntas, Chimberos, Carrera Pinto, etc.


Figure 1. Location of Mali Project.
Figure 1. Location of Mali Project.


Mining Property

Mali comprises 2000 ha of exploitation and exploration claims, 100% owned MASGLAS.


Geological settings in Mali are represented by Cretaceous volcanics and clastic rocks, intruded by andesitic porphyries of Paleocene age. Epithermal quartz veins are the most common mineralization in the project, with argillic alteration zones associated to hydrothermal breccias and quartz stockwork. (See Figures 2 &3)


Figure 2. Veins photos. Photos a & b. - Veins showings and outcrops; c. - Quartz crystalline and breccia textures in veins.
Figure 2. Veins photos. Photos a & b. – Veins showings and outcrops; c. – Quartz crystalline and breccia textures in veins.


Figure 3. Breccias photos. Photos a. – Quartz stockwork; b, c and d. – Breccias with hematite, and jarosite matrix.
Figure 3. Breccias photos. Photos a. – Quartz stockwork; b, c and d. – Breccias with hematite, and jarosite matrix.



Previous exploration work in Mali was carried out by Minera Inmet Chile SA.  This included basic rock sampling, geophysics surveys and a short drilling program. These exploration efforts were focused on explaining chargeability anomaly; geological vectors were not considered.

A total of 37 rock samples were collected in Mali in Quartz veins and breccias. Then in early 2012, a geophysics survey was carried out by contractor Argali Chile.  The surveys consisted in ground magnetic study over 1,260 ha and IP data acquired with the pole‐dipole array and a dipole spacing of 100 meters totaling 20.8 kilometers.  Following the geophysical survey, a 3 DH holes program totaling 1,670 meters was executed. The drilling program resulted in anomalous intercepts, but no mineralized structures of importance were intercepted.

Exploration in the past was focused on porphyry targets.  Epithermal veins and breccias were neither tested nor mapped.  The surface samples in the veins and breccias returned over 1% Zn and 1% Pb and were also anomalous in Au and Ag. (See Figure 4)

MASGLAS exploration works are underway.


Figure 3. Exploration potential is open in Mali project.
Figure 3. Exploration potential is open in Mali project.